Water cycle in a bag
Last week we learnt about the water cycle. Ee then paired with a buddy ( I was with Cazna) we got a bag each and we drew a cloud in one corner and the sun in another (the opposite corner) and then we drew a squiggly line at the bottom acting as the sea. We then filled the bag up with water up to the squiggly line. We also got blue food colouring and coloured the water blue! Then we taped the bag to a sunny window. Then the next day we checked the bags and it... worked! The water evaporated and condensation and then it precipitated! Evaporation - the sun shines on the water and the water turns into invisible gas. Condensation - The gas rises up to the sky where it is colder and the gas turns into clouds. Precipitation - then the gas turns into droplets and when the droplets get too heavy it starts to... rain! ( it can be snow and hail) Collection - and then it goes over and over again...